Courage to Receive
“Maybe closing my eyes to the desire closes my arms to it’s fulfillment.”
— Melody Beattie, The Language of Letting Go
Dare to feel your desire.
Dare to long for it, to feel the hunger in your soul,
the ache in the absence of its fulfillment,
and the pain that lets you know exactly how much you want it.
Dare to speak it, to name it all,
the hopes, the fears, the endless contradictions.
Dare to let it move you and move through you,
out into the world to touch the longing in others.
Do not confine it with perfectionism.
If it's messy, dare to be in the mess.
If others don't understand, dare to let them
misunderstand you, and see you anyway.
If it's not convenient, dare to inconvenience.
Then, dare to entertain the possibility that this desire will go unfulfilled.
Dare to surrender whatever path you hoped would bring it about,
grieve its death, and give yourself over to the uncertainty of the unknown.
Release it, rest wide open, and dare to receive.