Hi, I'm Linden.

I'm an Authenticity Doula, Life Coach, Artist, and relationship nerd. I am also a queer, non-binary, neurodivergent human being practicing relationship anarchy and consensual non-monogamy in my daily life.

I don't do superficial. Shadow work, unearthing and dismantling shame, and healing with self-compassion are my primary special interests. I am a lifelong student of my daily curriculum, ever growing in my capacity for naming what’s true, accepting what is, feeling feelings, setting and honoring my boundaries, having reparative experiences, and loving myself as I am.

I can be myself with you in a way that I can’t be anywhere else in my life. It’s like you see who I really am underneath all the messiness of my current human experience and you help me see it too. I feel held with love and compassion and free to be exactly who and how I am.

What my friends say…

What I do…

I support people to discover who they really are, be themselves in ways that are profoundly healing and empowering, and transform their lives and relationships to match their insides. My clients learn to build a safe container for vulnerability, cultivate healthy, loving relationship with themselves centering self-compassion and self-trust, facilitate repair and build secure attachment with their closest people, and follow their intuition through the choices that shape their reality.

My Art

Others have seen what is and asked why. I have seen what could be and asked why not.
— Pablo Picasso