Welcome to the
Intentional Authenticity Community
A coalescence of courageous souls who seek to shine their light more brightly into the world.
This community is local to the Twin Cities and gathers regularly for discussions, fun events, and witnessing each other’s authenticity. Some events are open to the public and others are for community members only.
Join the community, come to one of our events!
Our public events are always open to newcomers. Once you’ve attended a public event you will have an opportunity to join our Discord server and gain access to more gatherings that go deeper with authenticity and vulnerability.
This community is free for all members and is sustained my member donations.
Members can make a one time donation or become a Patron and make a monthly contribution of any amount.

Radically Authentic Compassionate Connective Belonging Vulnerable
Is this what I am looking for?
Together, we learn to listen for the wisdom that comes through our bodies from our truest selves.
If you’re looking for answers, you will find some here…
If you’re looking for strength, you will find some here…
Together, we discover our own strength and become empowered to use it to transform our lives.
If you’re looking for affirmation, you will find some here…
Together, we begin to see our own inherent value and love who we are whether or not others affirm us.
Together, we learn to trust ourselves and become trustworthy for ourselves so that wherever we go, we are safe.
If you’re looking for safety, you will find some here…
If you’re looking for connection and belonging, you will find some here…
Together we discover that we belonging to ourselves and to this world simply because we exist, deepening our connection with others by detaching with love and trusting the universe's timing.